


防溺水六不准英语作文带翻译 篇1








防溺水六不准英语作文带翻译 篇2






The final exam is over and the summer vacation is coming. In order to make the summer holiday meaningful, I have the following plans.

1, exercise. At the school summer football team, I insisted on playing badminton, tennis, basketball, volleyball and cycling with my father every day to make my body better and stronger.

I will finish the homework assigned by the teacher and review the knowledge of the textbook.

3, if I was the exam, as a bonus, mom and dad took me to Beijing to play, see the beauty of the Great Wall, the imperial palace, tianan front teeth, the China millennium monument, water cube and other attractions, for students to share a lot of photos.

This is my summer vacation plan.

防溺水六不准英语作文带翻译 篇3



My summer life is colorful, this is the last day of school, the teacher just announced: the summer vacation from the beginning of tomorrow, the students will cheer loudly! The teacher just finished the announcement. My plan of summer vacation came to my mind. Slowly open, and into my summer vacation plan...

First, turn over the summer vacation life plan the 20__ edition of the first page, write just wanted to write, but think I don't know what to write, when I spent n more brain cells, and finally with summer vacation the first side of life... With a hot in the summer, a lot of people at home and play computer, watching TV, also fan fan, leisurely, but I think that person is very boring, but also a waste of electricity, in order to save resources, I decided: "I want to be in August to perform every day with a plan (except for special time)". Use it every morning to learn. After lunch, help my mother to wash the dishes, then nap for 1 hour, then get up to write the summer homework 10. After finishing writing, I will rest for half an hour, listening to English, maths and Chinese. The rest of the time is my time! My summer vacation is so simple, so relaxed!

防溺水六不准英语作文带翻译 篇4


赏识,自然就是表扬。赏识教育顾名思义就是用表扬的方式去教育孩子。我个人的观点认为,赏识教育十分不错。这时,也许会有大人说:“区区一个小孩子,当然是会对他自己有利的事情说好。“错!难道小孩子的观点就一定是错的吗?这个大人未免太独裁了吧?!大人不也是从小孩子长大的吗?在政治书上就有一个例子:老师说的孩子犯下的任何错误妈妈都没说,只是从好的角度去赞赏孩子、鼓励孩子,让一个本来再班上成绩低下的孩子考上了重点大学。这不是正一个成功的事例吗?(dJz525.com 励志的句子)



防溺水六不准英语作文带翻译 篇5






Children, a happy summer vacation is coming. What are your plans for this summer vacation? My arrangement is this:

During the summer vacation, I will take the basic skills of the dance and practice it at least once in three days, so that my body will be as soft as "noodles". While practicing basic skills, I will also make up a solo dance. You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, Maybe even a gold medal!

However, I also need to improve the ball skills! As soon as summer vacation arrives, I will insist on playing 2 -- 3 hours of table tennis every day (except for special circumstances). Only with such diligence can I catch up with my best teammates. Next year, I will try to compete! Besides, it takes half an hour to read the book and another half an hour to read the book. In this way, I will be very helpful to my writing level.

When I do well, I ask my mother to take me out for a while and relax. Because this can work and combine to prevent brain fatigue. When I spend a month in the summer vacation, I will go to other cities with my friends (such as world expo, century joy garden...). Play a game. Forget all that is unsatisfactory for a month.

All in all, I want to have a meaningful vacation this summer.


